Tuesday 21 September 2021

A Bite Of Mid-Autumn Festival 舌尖上的中秋节

Singapore - Chinatown

新加坡 — 牛车水

It is the Mid-Autumn Festival again.


Apart from eating mooncakes during Mid-Autumn Festival, what else do different dialect groups eat?


Cantonese / 广东人:

Snails - People believe that eating snails during Mid-Autumn Festival can improve eyesight.

田螺 - 因为民间认为中秋吃田螺可以明目。

Taro - Cantonese "taro" is a homophony of "protecting the head" which means family reunion and peace.

芋头 - 粤语“芋头”与“护头”谐音,寓意合家团圆平安。

Water chestnut - Said that it can make children grow smarter.

菱角 - 据说能让孩子长得聪明伶俐。

Pomelo - The round shape symbolises reunion, "pomelo" and "bless" are homonyms; the good wishes of the moon to protect you.

柚子 - 外形浑圆象征团圆,“柚”与“佑”谐音;希望月亮护佑的美好意愿。

Leaf glutinous rice - Good luck all year round after eating it.

叶子糍 - 吃了能常年行好运。

Putian / 莆田人:

Rice vermicelli - Xinghua rice vermicelli is thin and white like beard, eating rice vermicelli means longevity.

米粉 - 兴化米粉细又白像胡子,象征吃到胡子白高寿的意思。

Taro - "Taro" in Puxian dialect is a homonym for "endure"; in the past, life was hard and eating taro means "endure and bear with it", hoping for a better next year.

芋头 - “芋头的”莆仙话与“熬“谐音;过去生活艰苦吃芋头“熬一熬”就到“头”,寄望来年时来运转,生活更美好。

Chestnut - A traditional folk tonic food.

栗子 - 民间传统的进补食品。

Chaozhou / 潮州人:

Cake - Rice cakes made of glutinous rice flour and mung bean cakes made of mung bean flour, used by Chaosan people to worship Yueniang.

糕仔 - 糯米粉做的米糕和绿豆粉做的绿豆糕,潮汕人用来供奉月娘。

Stir-fry sand taro - a seasonal snack for the Mid-Autumn Festival.

翻砂芋 - 是中秋节的应时小食。

Ringo - Annona squamosa, also known as sugar-apple, is known as a fruit tonic.

林檎 - 即番荔枝又名释迦果,有水果补品之称。

Doufang - Actually is peanut candy, called “shizhi” and “shitian” in Chaoshan dialect, and is regarded as auspicious food.

豆方 - 实为花生糖,潮汕话称为“食知“、”食甜“,被视为吉祥的食品。

Friday 10 September 2021

It's A Boy 是男崽

Singapore - River Safari

新加坡 — 河川生态园

Still remember that made in Singapore baby giant panda?


Today it sex is made public.


It's a boy!


The baby giant panda will be named before its 100 days old on November 21, 2021.


The public can vote for the name of the baby giant panda.


The public can visit www.wrs.com.sg/pandacub to inquire how to participate.

公众可浏览 www.wrs.com.sg/pandacub 查询如何参与。

Thursday 9 September 2021

Solar Halo 日晕



A solar halo is an optical phenomenon produced by light interacting with ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere.


When the corresponding viewing angle of the halo radius is between 22° and 46°, people can observe the phenomenon of solar halo with the naked eye.


The ancients believed that solar halo was ominous omen, heralding disaster.


In fact, the occurrence of solar halo just means that wind and rain is coming.


Sunday 5 September 2021

Olympics And Paralympics 奥运会和残奥会

Japan - Tokyo

日本 — 东京

The Olympics and Paralympics, which were supposed to be held in 2020, were postponed to this year due to COVID-19 pandemic.


For the first time in history, both the Olympics and Paralympics were held without spectators.


The 2020 Olympic Games were held from July 23 to August 8, 2021.


The 2020 Paralympic Games were held from August 24 to September 5, 2021.


In this Olympic Games, Singapore athletes failed to bring home any medals.


Whereas Paralympic Games, Singapore swimmer Yip Pin Xiu bagged 2 gold medals.
