Thursday 10 October 2024

Free Refreshment 免费茶点

Singapore - Health Sciences Authority (HSA)

新加坡 — 卫生科学局

10 weeks have passed and it is time to detoxify again.

10 个星期过去,又是解瘾时间。

Readers who have read my previous blog should know what this means.


Do you know how many times have I donated blood?


It is just the 79th time.

这只是第 79 次。

One of the joys of donating blood is the free refreshments.


Some blood donors come here just for the free refreshments.


P/S: Donating blood in Singapore is voluntary and there is no monetary transaction.


Saturday 5 October 2024

End Of 182-Year Chapter 182年完结篇

Singapore - Singapore Turf Club

新加坡 — 新加坡赛马公会

In 1842, Scottish businessman William Henry Macleod Read founded the Singapore Sporting Club.

1842 年,苏格兰商人威廉·亨利·麦克劳德·里德创立新加坡体育俱乐部。

This afternoon, 182 years later, the 100th Grand Singapore Gold Cup was held, bringing a perfect ending to the racecourse.


The first game was held on February 23, 1843.

首场比赛于 1843 年 2 月 23 日举行。

The game was held to commemorate the 24th anniversary of Sir Stamford Raffles's landing in Singapore.


To better reflect its activities, the place was later renamed Kranji Racecourse in 1924.

为了更好地反映其活动内容,这个地方之后于 1924 年改名为克兰芝马场。

As horse racing became increasingly popular, a new racecourse was built and opened in Bukit Timah on April 5, 1933.

随着赛马运动日益流行,新的赛马场于 1924 年 4 月 15 日在武吉知马启用。

During the Japanese occupation, activities at the racecourse were canceled and did not reopen until 1947.

日本占领期间,赛马场的活动被取消,直到 1947 年才重新开业。

Queen Elizabeth II also attended the competition named after her in 1972 - The Queen Elizabeth II Cup.

英女王伊丽莎白二世也在 1972 年,出席了以她名字命名的比赛 — 伊丽莎白二世女王杯。

Kranji Racecourse took over the old racecourse in Bukit Timah on March 4, 2000.

克兰芝马场于 2000 年 3 月 4 日接替武吉知马的旧马场。

After 34 years, the Queen and Prince Philip visited the racecourse again on March 8, 2006.

时隔34年,英女王和菲利普亲王于 2006 年 3 月 8 日再次到访马场。

In 2020, Singapore implemented circuit breaker measures, and horse racing resumed behind closed doors in July 2020, and did not reopen to the public until April 2022.


Kranji Racecourse faces huge challenges due to a declining number of viewers.


The government announced on June 5 last year that it would take back the Kranji Racecourse in 2027 and then redevelop it into a housing estate.


Thursday 3 October 2024

Probity 廉洁



The 2023 Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index (TI-CPI) ranks Singapore as the 5th least corrupt country out of 180 countries in the world.

2023 年透明国际清廉指数 (TI-CPI) 将新加坡列为全球 180 个国家中腐败程度最低的国家中第 5 位。

Singapore maintains the same ranking and score in the TI-CPI as in 2022.

新加坡在TI-CPI中保持与 2022 年相同的排名和分数。

Singapore remained the only Asian country to rank in the top ten.


Former Transport Minister S. Iswaran was handed a 12-month jail term on October 3, 2024.

前交通部长易华仁于 2024 年 10 月 3 日被判处 12 个月监禁。

The last corruption case involving a minister in Singapore occurred in 1986.


The then Minister of National Development Teh Cheang Wan was investigated for suspected bribery but committed suicide by taking sleeping pills before the court trial.


In 1975, Wee Toon Boon, then Minister of State for the Ministry of Environment and Development, was accused of accepting bribes of more than US$600,000 and was sentenced to 18 months in prison.


Prime Minister Lawrence Wong said his term must act when necessary to ensure Singapore's system of government and politics always stays clean and free from corruption.


Tuesday 1 October 2024

Sunny After Rain 雨过天晴



After six days of emergency repairs, the train services along the East-West MRT Line are set to resume fully this morning.


This is the second longest rail disruption on record for Singapore MRT.


The major disruption, which began on September 25, affected more than 2.1 million passengers till September 29.

这次重大地铁线中断始于 9 月 25 日,截至 9 月 29 日为止,影响了超过 210 万名乘客。