Monday, 30 December 2024

Daylight Robbery 明抢

China - Xiamen (Gaoqi International Airport)

中国 — 厦门(高崎国际机场)

Frequent flyers should know the dimensions of cabin luggage.


While each airline has its own standards, most are close.


Full-fare airlines may have more relaxed baggage restrictions for passengers.


Budget airlines have stricter luggage restrictions for passengers.


Checked passenger luggage restrictions on many budget airlines, and there is no difference.


Even a particular budget airline that has always been considered extremely strict with passengers' luggage does not make any difference in the cabin luggage size.


But the size of the carry-on cabin size luggage on this weird Spring Airlines is really speechless.


When the generally accepted carry-on luggage size is 20 inches, this strange airline only allows 14 inches.

一般接受的随身行李尺寸为 20 英寸,而这家奇葩的航空公司只允许携带 14 英寸。

Many helpless international passengers like us at the airport were "robbed" of a 300 RMB check-in fee by this weird airline.


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