Monday, 18 February 2019

Chingay Parade 妆艺大游行

Singapore - Chinatown

新加坡 – 牛车水

The word Chingay is equivalent to the Mandarin word 妆艺 (zhuangyi) which means the art of costume and masquerade in the Hokkien dialect.

“Chingay” 这个词是福建方言中的妆艺,意思是服装艺术和面具舞会。

The Chingay Parade started in 1973 as a street parade to celebrate the Lunar New Year.


Since then, it has evolved into an annual iconic event that showcases Singapore’s rich and unique multi-ethnic and cosmopolitan cultures.


The first formal Chingay Parade in Singapore was mooted by our founding Prime Minister the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew.


The annual event is characterised by vibrant performers in elaborates costumes from different ethnicity, cultures and backgrounds from all around the world.


The temporary "backstage", the performers are getting ready to perform on stage.


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