Your Gregorian and lunar birthday will probably coincide every nineteen years.
If there is no overlapping, you can check on the integer multiple of 19 (example: 38, 57, 76, 95) to see whether there is any overlapping.
In a lifetime, there are approximately five times opportunity that your Gregorian and lunar birthday fall on the same day.
The length of a Gregorian year is 365.2422 days, whereas the lunar year is 354 days (minimum) up to 384 days.
If there is no leap month in the lunar year, then this lunar year will be 11 days shorter than the Gregorian year.
In the event when the lunar year has a leap month, a leap month has 30 days, then this lunar year will be longer than the Gregorian year by 19 days.
In the lunar calendar, every three years there is a leap month, that means every 19 years form a cycle.
This makes the length of the lunar year and Gregorian year the same in every 19 years.
Due to the difference in the length of year in Gregorian calendar and the lunar calendar, the observatory will depend on the position of the sun and the moon to calculate the exact date of the solar and lunar calendar.
The 19-year period is just a rough estimation, there are certain discrepancy between the two calendars of the date.
This will result in some birth dates that their Gregorian and lunar dates will not coincide.
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