China - Chengdu
中国 - 成都(双流国际机场T2 Pizza Hut)
1/1/2013 Winter
Never have a habit of waking up so early in the morning.
Always believe that brain at this hour is still in sleeping mode.
After my good old army days, I could hardly recall waking up so early in the morning.
But of course, other than catching morning flight.
By every possible means, I would always avoid morning flight!
Looked out the window while waiting for my breakfast.
How come the image looked blurry?
Was it my eyes or the glass panel?
It must be my sleepy brain!
Breakfast arrived.
Classic American Breakfast RMB28.
Swallowing my breakfast at a turtle pace.
Too early to board the plane.
Without looking at the menu.
Ordered another cup of tea.
Cup of tea arrived.
Same size as the previous.
64.3% of my Classic American Breakfast!
My sleepy brain had awakened.
Once again, my theory of morning brain is sleepy brain is proven correct!